Cove - A Practical Quantum Computer Programming Framework
SliceFrom Method (StartIndex, Operation)
NamespacesCove.LocalSimulationQuantumRegisterSliceFrom(Int32, IQuantumOperation)
Returns a slice (subset) of the register from StartIndex to the end, then has the operation applied to it.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public IQuantumRegister SliceFrom(
	int StartIndex,
	IQuantumOperation Operation
Public Function SliceFrom ( _
	StartIndex As Integer, _
	Operation As IQuantumOperation _
) As IQuantumRegister
virtual IQuantumRegister^ SliceFrom(
	int StartIndex, 
	IQuantumOperation^ Operation
) sealed
StartIndex (Int32)
Starting index in the register to get the slice of.
Operation (IQuantumOperation)
The operation to apply to the slice.
Return Value
The quantum register representing the slice with the operation then applied.
IndexOutOfRangeExceptionThrown if the start index is out of range.
NotUnitaryOperationExceptionThrown if a non-unitary operation is passed. All quantum operations must be unitary.
SizeMismatchExceptionThrown if the size of one of the operations does not match the size of the register.
ArgumentExceptionThrown if the operation does not have AbstractSimulatedQuantumOperation as a base class.

Assembly: Cove.LocalSimulation (Module: Cove.LocalSimulation) Version: (