Cove - A Practical Quantum Computer Programming Framework
SliceSubset Method (Indexes)
NamespacesCove.LocalSimulationQuantumRegisterSliceSubset(IEnumerable<(Of <(Int32>)>))
Returns a slice (subset) of the quantum register containing the qubits specified in Indexes, and in that order.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public IQuantumRegister SliceSubset(
	IEnumerable<int> Indexes
Public Function SliceSubset ( _
	Indexes As IEnumerable(Of Integer) _
) As IQuantumRegister
virtual IQuantumRegister^ SliceSubset(
	IEnumerable<int>^ Indexes
) sealed
Indexes (IEnumerable<(Of <(Int32>)>))
The indexes of the qubits in the register being returned.
Return Value
The quantum register representing the subset.
ArgumentNullExceptionThrown if a null array is passed.
IndexOutOfRangeExceptionThrown if any of the indexes specified are outside of the allowable range.
DuplicateIndexesExceptionThrown if the same index is specified more than once.

Assembly: Cove.LocalSimulation (Module: Cove.LocalSimulation) Version: (